And it’s finally (in)complete, my Rails Project.
Driven Work as in itself means companies that are driven something else other then making money, something that solves a real world problem.
The Objective
Create an app where users can submit companies with their Ceo and the problems or technology breakthroughts they solved or achieved.
Example: “Tesla, Electric Cars, Solving Sustainable Energy. CEO: Elon Musk, Year Founded: 2007, Major Breakthroughs: Compelling electric vehicles for an affordable price.
The App
Quite self explanatory…(Not yet)
- Company
- Has_many Problems
- Has_many TechnologyBreakthroughs
- Belongs_to User
- Belongs_to CEO
- Has_many Companies
- Has_many TechnologyBreakthroughs through Companies
- Has_many Problems through Companies
- Problem
- Belongs_to Company
- TechnologyBreakthrough
- Belongs_to Company
- User
- Has_many companies
- Users can signup with an email or github(Yes, there’s an open vunerability for the rails github gem that’s why I’m not taking social security numbers yet…
- Any user can add or edit posts
- Only an admin can delete posts, currently anyone can signup as admin
- You can view all Companies, Ceo’s, Problems and Technology Breakthroughs through the main menu
- You can add a company or you can add a problem or a technology breakthrough to an existing company.
That’s all there is, I know the layout and design is crap, I threw bootstrap on so It wouldn’t look 90’s but other then that it needs work, shoot me a msg if you find yourself lost…
Oh, and it took me 4 hours to [learn how to] deploy to AWS…
Thanks for looking, Heshie Brody